balcony plants and tub plants

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Variety of balcony plants and tub plants

Plants in gardens, on balconies and in front of windows delight not only plant lovers. Suitable plant species promote insect diversity in the city as container plants. The extensive range of beautiful and easy-care plants enlivens the urban landscape and increases its residential value.

A terrace for work and recreation

Potted plants make an environment a pleasant place to spend time. The warm season is perfect for a variety of balcony flowers. If the furnishings of your terrace consist of large pots, tall tubs and varied flower boxes, you can grow different types of plants in them. Hydrangeas are pleasing to the eye all year round. Farm hydrangeas bloom blue, red or pink and they are also hardy as potted plants. With their large, colourful balls of blossom, they lavishly decorate a small terrace. The flowers dry beautifully and with yellow leaves the hydrangea offers another highlight in autumn. With patio plants, a seating area looks alive even in winter.

A stylish place to sit

If the chosen potted plants are hardy and suit the location, a large balcony, terrace or small garden will have its own flair all year round. White panicle hydrangeas set a fine accent against smooth plaster facades and refine exposed concrete. You can extend the flowering season with different varieties that flower in succession. If you love romantic situations, the panicle hydrangea 'Vanille Fraise' will become your favourite flower among the patio plants. Its large, white-pink inflorescences appear from July to October. Plant the balcony boxes with flowering cimmias, which, with dark green, leathery leaves and dark red flower buds, take over the decorative part in autumn.

Part shade to sunny and windless

Fuchsias form small flower bells that are monochrome pink or red, but often flower in two colours. Fuchsias are part of the balcony flowers on richly planted balconies. They are known as summer balcony plants and some decorate a terrace in abundant numbers. The new variety 'Tom Thumb' does well in mixed balcony boxes, but is better alone in a planter. With this variety you get a summery perennial for your balcony plants that stands its ground as a solitary and is hardy.

Sun, warmth and a big city atmosphere

It is not uncommon for balconies to have high temperatures, be exposed to wind and yet become a small oasis. The plants should love dryness and grow well in city air. Lavendula angustifolia, the common, blue-flowered and fragrant lavender enriches the selection of balcony plants and proves its worth among tub plants. Lavender feels at home in the sun and attracts bumblebees, bees and butterflies to the balcony flowers on your terrace. The needs of the blue-flowered marigold go well with lavender. Like other plants, the shrub grows in tubs and, as a small tree, is the focal point between potted plants.

No place is left without plants

Moderate light falls on the seating area or terrace and yet a lush-looking pot garden is created. Funkias, also called hostas, are a diverse family of plants with beautifully veined foliage of different sizes growing in a variety of colours. They are suitable for an elegant garden or patio. It is hard to imagine a balcony or patio without them and they look equally good in boxes, pots and tubs. The 'Hosta sieboldiana' develops heart-shaped and slightly wrinkled leaves in a blue-green colour and is a pot plant, hardy and fast-growing.