drought-tolerant plants

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Flowering gardens on dry soils: plants for dry soils

Winters are getting milder, summers hotter and with less rain. Plants for dry soils have adapted to these adverse conditions and can cope with little water. Hobby gardeners do not have to do without anything! Perennials for dry locations promise flowering splendour, drought-tolerant plants such as garden yucca or ornamental lilies loosen things up, and shrubs for dry soil such as the summer lilac add highlights.

Flowering diversity: perennials for dry sites

Perennials and dry locations - they seem to be mutually exclusive, but they actually go together wonderfully! The aster "Peter Pan", false coneflower in pink or white, girl's eye and the magnificent candle "Whirling Butterflies" are easy to care for, fantastically beautiful and even contribute to the preservation of our ecosystem. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies love the perennial flowers and are important for the reproduction and pollination of plants.

Planting plan for a sunny and dry perennial bed

A fragrant perennial bed can be wonderfully realised on dry soils. Most perennials for dry locations love the sun. Many originate from warm, dry regions of the earth. A Mediterranean-style bed with true lavender, lavender and sage is rich in species and summery. The perennial bed is loosened up by the tall verbena "Lollipop" and ground covers such as the scarlet field thyme or the field sand thyme, whose leaves have an aromatic Mediterranean scent. The perennial roller spurge sets the evergreen stage for seasonal flowering dreams.

Plants and perennials for dry locations can often be recognised by their leaves. These are thick, firm and partly hairy, as in the case of the silvery woolly zest. The latter has tall inflorescences that also attract butterflies, bees and bumblebees. You can also recognise the stonecrop or the tall stonecrop "Matrona" as plants for dry soils by their leaves.

Tip: When choosing perennials for dry sites, look for different flowering times so that your bed always offers eye-catchers.

Drought-tolerant plants: the rock garden and steppe garden styles

A rock garden lends itself to sloping sites and is ideal for many plants for dry soils. Thick-roset fat leaf, pungent wall pepper or fat leaf "Cape Blanko" store water in their fleshy leaves and are ideal plants for dry soils. Sand thyme or houseleek also feel at home in the rock garden.

In the steppe garden, plants and shrubs for dry soil such as the garden torch lily, the blue rue "Blue Spire" or garden yucca have plenty of space to each other, which is filled with mineral mulch such as split or basalt. This keeps the soil dry and weed-free. The globe thistle and the passion flower are eye-catchers in this garden style thanks to their unusual flowers.

Shrubs for dry soil

Numerous shrubs are also suitable for dry, sunny locations and contribute to biodiversity in the garden. One example is the Mediterranean snowball, which has a strong fragrance and provides a home not only for insects but also for birds. The summer lilac turns into fragrant clouds of purple, pink or even white when it flowers, which magically attract butterflies in particular. Shrubs for dry ground are also hedge barberry or red fern. For greening walls or fences, the Chinese blue vine is a good choice, as its blue flower clusters grow luxuriantly even in drought.

Plants for dry soils are diverse. Perennials and shrubs for dry soil are easy to care for and make gardening a pleasure.